The Financial Times is a global news organisation, trusted by the ambitious and the curious as an independent guide to an uncertain world.

At the FT, we’ve always done things differently. From our inception in 1888, we pledged to report the news ‘without fear and without favour’. Five years later we turned our pages pink in a bold move to stand out on the newsstand and stand up for the truth.

Today, our unique pink newspaper is widely recognised as shorthand for quality journalism, and our original editorial motto still holds true. We will always be pink, and we will never be afraid to tell the truth.


A commitment to reporting ‘without fear and without favour' was on the FT’s first front page, and this principle remains at the heart of our journalism.

We’re dedicated to uncovering the truth, even when it comes with risk. Our journalists have dodged digital attacks, intimidation and even blackmail attempts to investigate the powerful. But we refuse to be bullied, and this shows in the integrity of our reporting.

From exposing the Wirecard scandal, to shining a light on sleaze in the heart of the city, our fearless journalism is essential to cut through misinformation and keep authority in check.


In 1893 we turned convention on its head by printing our newspaper on pink paper. This bold move was distinctive, thrifty and better for the planet. In our salmon-hued pages we broke new journalistic ground.

FT pink is now globally recognisable, synonymous with quality and trustworthy journalism. It represents our heritage, innovation and fearless culture.


Over the years our unique pink hue became a shorthand for bold reporting. Pink is a part of who we are: a trusted voice that continuously challenges the status quo. Fearless truth-telling is just as important now as at any time in our history, and the FT promises to always help readers navigate the world with confidence.

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